Monday, August 18, 2008

I write stories that make me feel good

I have reasoned with people for so long on the day of rest. I really don't think it matters what day you take, I do think it's important for a believer to take a day and relax, focus on the Lord, what is He doing in your life, and for your body to physically rest. I've not done that in a LONG time and today it caught up with me. I can't even get enough energy to finish writing this and I usually love to write, but I will just say that the Lord is good and there are days that we can just call them "opportunities to grow." :) We did make it to LA, saw "The Price is Right" and made it back safely. I ended the day with my phone hitting the floor in Target and completely cracking and ruined. God has given me so much grace in so many areas, I just looked it, took a deep breath, and now I'm thanking God for the time He gave me with the wonderful iphone.

How do you dissect a day?
The time was early and we were on our way
Traffic was light and the gas tank was full
We stayed up too late the night before and I really wanted to nap and drool.
Continued driving so we could find our way
Price is Right was found to be ghetto but I still found it cool.
I am glad I made it back home safely, realizing the Lord still rules.
Yes my iphone took a big smack and now has a crack.

I will just end this long day poem and eat a pizza and digest the day.

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