Monday, September 28, 2009

Something bigger than yourself

So as usual, life took over and I haven't updated this since I was writing about prostitutes in Costa Rica, which my girlfriend didn't like for me to write about :)

So tonight, I helped a friend with something really special. He reached the point in dating where you spend a few extra thousand dollars and commit your life to that person, engagement. He wanted some help setting up something romantic, so his roommate and myself jumped into the plan. It was a fun night, I gave him my ebay special Land Rover, and off they went on their night, which included one of my favorite places, George's at the Cove. While he was away at dinner, we setup an enormous amount of candles right along with rocks near La Jolla. We made this awesome pathway with candles, and had a bottle of bubbly along with a camera setup in the background. They showed up, the whole thing went down beautifully. We met up with them afterward and she was ecstatic. It was so neat to see her glowing.

It really made me think, this was awesome to be apart of this story. Even doing the simplest things. It was neat to be apart of a story they will share with people the rest of their lives. I got to be a piece of the story and helped push them along down their road.

What made me think even more was how much more I want to be apart of a faith story for so many people. It's cool to be a piece of a story for something that lasts during this lifetime, but how much bigger to be apart of something that lasts for eternity. I was humbled tonight that God wants to use us in the stories of so many people. Of all his power and creation, He has chosen to use sinful and broken down people like us to call people to Himself. How cool would it be to meet hundreds or thousands of people in heaven that remembered you telling them about Jesus. Not that it's about us, but how much more it's about the fact that we pointed people to the King of the Universe. That's a story to talk about.