Saturday, August 18, 2007

From a Simmons Beauty Rest

As I am just now laying down in my bed after a long week of work, I feel like that night before your first day of school. You know the feeling right? It's this little tingling in your stomach and almost a sense of being a little bit alone. I cannot really describe with words, but maybe if you could see me, I might run around the room and spin a few times, you could then say I was crazy and a fruit loop which I don't really eat anymore, but they are good.

It seems that most of my life, things have just happened. I wanted to go to school in the Navy and do Nuclear Engineering and discovered I was color-blind. Plan out. I took a semester off in 1998 and sent college applications, Clemson responded, the other got lost in the mail. That was an easy decision. I wanted to go to seminary out of college, all of those doors closed and a door that should not have opened, opened, so I took it. These were all easy. It seems now I am facing decisions that I could not have planned for and I am a little overwhelmed. If you know me, you know that I rarely get overwhelmed and have always felt like I have a Christian world-view that has helped me put in perspective this quick life we have here. During this time of decision, I believe that is driving me back to God and seeking Him more than I have been, makes you wonder if God controls these things in our life :) I know He does. I want to be a good steward of this life He has given me and am learning that I just have to seek Him, seek wisdom, and make wise decisions.

I have learned also that this life is going faster than I ever thought and I am now grabbing it by the horns and planning a lot more for my life. It's crazy that I might be a husband and a father one day. Well, honestly it's a little bit scary too. That might mean I can't eat out everyday and hopefully will have a wife who can cook and encourage me to not go to Zaxby's.

With eternity in the backdrop, our lives are so quick. I am just so scared I am going to wake up one day, be 50, and wonder what I did with my life. Does anyone else have this kinda feeling? So I write all of this to say I am going to plan a little better for my effect (with God's grace) on eternity.

If I have ever come across to you as someone who has it together, I don't.

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