Saturday, July 23, 2005


So my brain has been stretched this past week at work. We were locked in a room for a week to do some high priority testing and all I did was work and eat all week long. No time for play. I see while I was away that I was compared to Color Me bADDDDD by miss Erin Sanders and Ed Edwards. Quite hilarious I must say.

I've learned a few things in the past week. Well the first is that I hope I find a woman that knows how to cook. I really enjoy going out to eat but I sometimes get tired of it. I figured something up that might disturb some of you. Over the past two years, I've gone out to eat for almost every meal, at least 2 meals a day. There were probably 20 meals that either I cooked, ate with my parents, or a girl cooked a meal for me :) So for the past two years, we could say 2 meals out a day times 7 days in a week times 2 years would equal about 1400 or so meals! That is crazy. That's about $10k if the meals were around $7 a piece. Well some were a little cheaper and a few visits to the melting pot were not exactly cheap but well worth it.

I say all that to say that I do look forward to cooking more! But prob. won't. So to get back at the people who have posted terrible pictures this week, I will make a peace offerrrrrrrring and post one that incriminates us both Ed. Here goes. Note: Kyle Renfrow also had a crustache.


Ed said...

Wow. This is out of control. Looks like a beach picture, but it's interesting how everyone is in their pajamas here. Notice how all of the females in the picture have migrated away from me... perhaps the halitosis was a factor.
No crustache for me, but definitely a case of "bed head."

dbass said...

yeah, dont just notice the dirtstaches, but notice the company of ladies. yeah, even with dirtstaches these guys were pimps. pjs, bedhead, and all..

Jason said...

That is awesome. Jennifer Huggins sporting the nice "mushroom" look. Pimpin' ain't easy with a stache....even in the late 90's.

Unknown said...

Again, it aint eaZy being sleeeezzzzzzey..

erin said...

what i wanna know is that if yall are pimpin'...why is ed's hand on your leg?

Chris Moody said...

You guys were pimpin huh?

michael sapp said...

Wow, that's all I got to say

Julie said...

One question...are there ANY group pictures of the Dillon boys where they are NOT mackin on girls????? I have a plethora of Ed's pictures from high school, and I don't know that any of them do NOT have girls in them.

Unknown said...

This question is often posed. The way I explain it is through the Bible. Jesus had some really close "boyz" and he also had his following of women. They stayed really close to Him and probably often cooked and cleaned. Think of Mary and Martha. Dillon boyz are all about having some Mary and Martha(s) :) Or maybe not.

Julie said...

Let's see..the way I see it, is that Mary and Martha were FAITHFUL follwers..they were there for the long haul! The only one that I know that is a faithful "Cooker" for the Dillon Boyz would be myself. I don't know what happened to my brain 7 years ago; the Dillon Boyz must have been practicing some type of hallucination methods at that point in college. Apparently, I was their first and only victim!

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

Alright's time for another post!!!

Billy Rogers said...

Find another channel Kyle