Monday, April 18, 2005

Jessie, my lil sis was quite upset that I did not have any picture of her on my blog. I officially have one! Can you see any resemblance?? hahaha.


Ed said...

If it were anyone else's little sister, I'd have to comment on how hot she is, but I can't talk like that about my Jessie. (Just don't post a picture of Tina.)

Hey, by taking that picture in front of the photo wall you now have your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all on your blog!

Unknown said...

Haha, family reunion!

Now Ed, don't make me start on your sister Luvelle!...If that is even how you spell her name. :)

Ed said...


There's love in the name...

Ed said...


There's love in the name...

Laura said...

JT, your sister looks normal... What happened to you? I'm surprised she survived :-)~

Jason said...

I think she looks more like Eve. Is that wrong?

Unknown said...


If u could date a girl even HALF as good lookin as Eve, you would be doing great :) She's a bute!