Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Last night, I decided to take the long way home. Instead of taking "THE 5" as the crazy Californians call it, I took Harbor drive and drove the Avis special Trail Blazer down by the airport and through the harbor. It's the perfect spot to look at the city. Every week I am just blown away by how cool and how much of a blessing it is to live here. I have learned so much since coming here and met some really crazy and neat people. Kaleo, the church I go to is quite amazing and has challenged me to look the Bible a lot differently and to think in ways I've never really thought.

I am going to be so spoiled wherever the Lord takes me next. This city has straight up blown me away with how cool it is. I really haven't explored the complete city, well except that I've eaten at almost every restaurant there is, well close.

All and all, I'm freakin working my butt off but learning a lot. Well not quite working it completely off, man it is still there. Jeans fit everywhere, well except for that part, maybe I should not eat at so many cool restaurants. Whatever.

Looking back on decisions and the process to come here, it is almost daily confirmed in the small things that happen here. The Lord is so good and faithful to me, when most of the time I am jacked up, He's so good.

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